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In case you didn’t get the memo, Beyoncé has put a stronghold on the music industry with her latest self-titled visual album. which dropped in the middle of the night on December 13.

We at Hip-Hop Wired waited for a bit of the shock and hoopla revolving around the album’s strategic unveiling and gave it a critical ear.

Our findings allowed us to believe that Queen Bey wanted to make a bold statement on to how sexual driven she really is. Most of the lyrical content is pretty much NC-17. Only her highness could drop an album that sounds like this and scoff at the thought of a parental advisory label.

Like every artist before her who gained a youth following in her career, the change in Beyoncé was inevitable. But no one in their wildest dreams would ever expect fellatio and explicit orgasms references in her music.

Then again, no one expected her to drop an album this year, either. Cop the album on iTunes and read up on 15 X-Rated Beyoncé album lyrics that will make you feel a little bit frisky.

Photo: YouTube

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