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If you’ve ever stretched your patience waiting in line at a crowded bar, wait no more.  BarEye, a new app launched Thursday (July 25), allows users to skip the human list and order drinks digitally.

The bar-friendly startup, backed by New Orleans Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma, gives users a new way to purchase drinks at the club, from the palm of their hand. Vilma business partner, Andrew Bennett, created the app to enhance the drinking experience for young tech-savvy customers.

The mobile app business is booming with new and innovative ways to engage mobile device users and their interests. BarEye, available on iOS and Android, conveniently bridges that gap as bar-goers can buy and send drinks to others from remote locations upon checking in, via smartphone. Consumers can sign in with Facebook, chat with other BarEye users, and even receive promotional offers.

Vilma and Bennett aim to engage drinkers, and open multiple revenue streams for bars.”I’ve been a bar owner for several years now and seen how quickly people get on their phones to check in on social networks or text friends, after ordering a drink,” Vilma said. “Now with BarEye, they can open one app to do all of that and order drinks at the same time. They can even buy a drink for a friend as an icebreaker to get them to come hang out.”

 The duo will recruit franchisees to sell and market the app. Purchased drink revenue will be split between the franchisee, the bar, and BarEye, which is only available in New York City, Atlanta, Austin, Miami, and Los Angeles.

Be on the lookout for participating bars near you.

Photo: NYDN

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