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If any rappers are looking to flex their financial status, then a $91,500 Hermes shirt might do the trick. The luxury designer brand is selling a T-shirt made of  crocodile and chiffon, rather than the breathable material known as cotton.

Thanks to price tag, the design has earned the title of being the most expensive T-Shirt (or “Tee Shirt,” as Hermes calls it) in New York City, and maybe the world.

From Yahoo! Shine:

The black crew-neck men’s T-shirt, made of crocodile skin, was sniffed out on the racks by a blogger at the Awl Monday, who wrote, “Yes. It finally happened. Congratulations to us, and to the Hermès men’s store on Madison Avenue for just hanging it quietly on a shelf with some rather more normal clothes. (I mean, expensive clothes! But everything looks cheap next to this price tag.)”

The Awl posted a sneakily-snapped image of said price tag but not the shirt itself, explaining that Hermes prohibits the taking of photographs inside its store. But the item walked the runway in Paris as part of the Hermés men’s spring collection in June of 2012.

Yahoo! Shine confirmed the price with an Hermés sales associate, who said that, while it was company policy to not give out exact prices, the cost was, “just under $100,000.” It’s a fact that could make any sane shopper faint—though the typical Hermés customer may not be as fazed (and is most likely not browsing through the racks as one would do at, say, the Gap).

Judging by the price and the material, this looks rare enough for Kanye West to get on board with.

Click below to see images.

Photos: Richard Bord/ Maria Valentino/Hermes/AP/The Awl

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