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There’s no nice way to say this, but the Los Angeles Lakers suck right now. It also seems as if every city outside of Los Angeles is absolutely loving it as well.

What makes the Lakers struggle stand out even more is the soaring success of it’s little brother team, The Los Angeles Clippers, whom they face tonight. The Clippers are everything that the Lakers aren’t right now. Fun to watch, young, cohesive and exciting.

The Lakers are a mess, old, slow and just kind of sad given all of the all-star talent they’ve assembled in the last off-season. The Clip show’s aerial show is eerily similar to the Lakers glory years known as “Showtime” when they were led by Hall-Of-Fame guard Magic Johnson.

As the two teams get ready to square off on ESPN tonight, HHW takes a look at the top ten pro basketball players in the city of Los Angeles right now (yes, we are all up in sports right now, b).

Whether you bleed purple and gold or you live for Lob City, tonight will be must see TV one way or another. Check out the top ten players in Los Angeles right now after the jump.

Photo: Getty, L.A. Times, Zimbio

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