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As the House and Senate convened earlier today to establish the incoming 113th Congress, Republican John Boehner remained speaker of the House in a vote that saw some of his own party members breaking away from the Ohio congressman. 

Of the 426 votes to elect a new Speaker, the increasingly unpopular Boehner received 220 out of a necessary 214 to return to the post he has manned since the Republican takeover of the House in 2010. Although GOP members have been vocal in their disdain of Boehner, all but 10 Republicans voted in his favor. Votes from Boehner’s party went to Eric Cantor and Allen West in a showing of protest, but not enough to dent his chances. Former Democratic house speaker Nancy Pelosi was a close second after netting 192 votes.

Boehner, however, is in a different position in 2013 as his stiff stance against the “fiscal cliff” negotiations has painted him in an unfavorable light according to recent polls. Also, the party’s decision to abruptly halt a vote for emergency aid for New York and other states hit hard by Superstorm Sandy also didn’t help to add positive marks in favor of the speaker.

Boehner has done a quick turnaround after accusations of betrayal from Republicans in New Jersey and New York, promising a hearing this Friday for the $60 Billion Hurricane Sandy aid bill.

Photo: Washington Times

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