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Despite the peaceful gathering at the memorial service Monday morning (April 28) for Baltimore man Freddie Gray, angry protestors have taken to the city’s northwest section and are battling with police. So far, seven officers have been injured in combating the protests and several businesses have been looted and destroyed.

Several local outlets are covering the happenings on the ground, with a dizzying amount of reports of what is actually occurring. Many businesses within the city allowed workers to go home and they closed up in anticipation of today’s happenings. City employees were also dismissed early according to reports. Baltimore NBC affiliate WBAL has a live feed of the ground happenings up on its site, and the images are stunning and disturbing.

Several local outlets are covering the happenings on the ground, with a dizzying amount of reports of what is actually occurring. Many businesses within the city allowed workers to go home and they closed up in anticipation of today’s happenings. City employees were also dismissed early according to reports. Baltimore NBC affiliate WBAL has a live feed of the ground happenings up on its site, and the images are stunning and disturbing.

Video of young people throwing rocks and advancing police in riot gear is eerily reminiscent of what happened in Ferguson, Mo., but there is less use of tear gas and excessive force by the authorities. There was a shot of an officer firing tear gas when one lone protestor lay on the ground after kneeling with his hands in the air while holding a sign. Another video showed a young boy of about 12 years of age going right up, to the riot squad shouting at them and threatening with a rock.

Looting of stores has been an unfortunate byproduct of the protests, with a convenience store and a check cashing business among the places hit. Other shots showed groups of people crushing police cars and damaging stations. The family of Freddie Gray has been calling for calm in the midst of the high emotions swirling about, and it appears the situation will continue to escalate.

Hip-Hop Wired will update this post as the story develops.

Below is a live feed from CBS affilate WUSA-9.

Photo: WJZ-13

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