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A powerful statement was made at the St. Louis Symphony on Saturday night when Mike Brown protestors interrupted the Brahms Requiem with their own rendition of the composition.

The St. Louis American was on hand when 50 people rose from out of their seats to sing “Justice for Mike Brown,” which contained the lyrics, “What side are you on friend, what side are you on?” Members of the group also stood from the balcony and draped banners that read, “Requiem for Mike Brown 1996-2014,” “Racism lives here,” with contained an arrow pointing to the St. Louis Arch and another that read, “Rise up and join the movement.”

Symphony conductor Markus Stenz stood stoically as the flash mob carried on for about five minutes while other audiences clapped in agreeable and others looked simply appalled.

At the tail end of the protest, the demonstrators exited the building while chanting, “Black lives matter” and throwing rose petals from the balcony.

The publication interviewed Sarah Griesbach, the demonstration’s organizer and she told them Mike Brown’s death prompted her to take action within her community which happens to be the city’s Central West End.

““It is my duty and desire to try to reach out and raise that awareness peacefully but also to disrupt the blind state of white St. Louis, particularly among the people who are secure in their blindness,” she said.

Watch the video below and continue on through the gallery to see the imagery from the St. Louis Symphony remix for the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” movement.

Photos: St. Louis American

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