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Cam’ron turned heads when he wore a cape on the night of the Super Bowl. Soon it just might be cape season for all as he was spotted meeting with men’s designer Mark McNairy to discuss a cape line, allegedly.

Since 2007 Killa has been teasing at this moment with a brief mention on his Public Enemy #1 mixtape (“But I’m so fly high I f— around and wear a cape”) but nothing ever came of it. More recently, on his Breakfast Club interview Cam mentioned that the capes were indeed coming.

The latest cape sighting came via Cam’ron’s Instagram account where he shared a photo of him and his crew meeting with men’s designer Mark McNairy to discuss a possible line.

“Me @iamjuju_ @duskopoppington  @raquelmhorn @chinagram @saywordyo @dipsetusa1997 at @deirdremaloney spot with Mcnairy discussing our new Capeline #HateNowCapeLater #TrendSetter #NiggaWeMadeIt #BdayMonthLitt”.

While rapper clothing lines are quite common, this collaboration could be very noteworthy as Mark McNairy is one of the leading menswear designers in the country. It is also speculated that Cam’ron will be walking the runway on Tuesday, February 11 to unveil his cape collection for McNairy’s show at New York Fashion Week.

Setting style trends is nothing new to the Harlem native as he made the color pink his signature color during the height of his popularity.

You can see some photos of the meeting and said superhero garments in the following pages. If 2014 is truly the year of the cape will you wearing one?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Photos: Instagram

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