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Rappers and reality TV reunions shows are a cocktail recipe for foolishness. At today’s taping of the Love & Hip Hop New York reunion show, Consequence allegedly smacked Joe Budden. However, the latter says it was a sneak move and that Cons got snuffed by Tahiry Jose.

Former G.O.O.D. Music rapper revealed that he put hands on his castmate via Twitter. “Just Smacked The SH-T outta @JoeBudden at the #LHHReunion Everybody have a Nice Day…. #QueensAllDay,” he tweeted this afternoon.

So of course, Budden responded in kind with his side of the story on his own timeline. “During break Tahiry & I were headed outside to smoke.. Dude came behind, jumped & hit me as I’m walking away, Tahiry snuffs him, he runs…..,” he tweeted. “It was the most pu–y display ever seen from a ni–a to be quite honest… & it’s all on tape, so y’all can see the pu–y sh-t 4 yourself.”

Consider this an early ratings win for VH1.

As you may or may not recall, Budden and Consequence spoke on any simmering beef between the two when they happened to cross paths at Hot 97 back in early February. During said convo, Budden calmly asked Cons and Jen the Pen if either of them had an issue with him and after a whole bunch of gibber gabber, it seemed like any issues were squashed. Or at least, they agreed to be civil.

So much for that.

You really couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried. Peep the tweets and a stray image from the reunion in the gallery.

UPDATE: Joe Budden called in to Hot 97 to verbalize his side of things. Listen below.

Photos: Twitter, Instagram, Hot 97

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