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Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez squared off at the MGM Grand last night. The first three of their fights ended in a draw and two decisions favoring Pac Man. But on the fourth go around Marquez knocked Pacquiao smooth out.

Pacquiao started that fight aggressively, but he got dropped in the third round. He returned the favor in the fourth, with Marquez getting stung and stumbling backwards. However, just before the bell rung in the sixth round, Marquez caught Pacquiao with a right hand straight to the face that sent the Filipino boxer to the mat.

Reports the AP:

No need for Juan Manuel Marquez to impress the judges. No need for the referee to count to 10.

Marquez took care of all of his business Saturday night with a thunderous right hand that left Manny Pacquiao face first on the canvas with his remarkable career in question.

Unable to win a decision in their first three fights, Marquez won the old-fashioned way with a huge right hand that put Pacquiao down for the second time in the fight at 2:59 of the sixth round.

Referee Kenny Bayless never bothered to count as Marquez leaped into his handlers’ arms in celebration and Pacquiao’s wife broke into tears at ringside.

Don’t feel too bad for Pac, whose records is now 54-5-2, though. He’ll be getting $20 million for his trouble. Check out photos of the fight in the gallery and video of Marquez’s knock out punch below.

Does this L tarnish Pacquiao’s legacy permanently? Let us know what you think in the comments. 


Photo: HBO

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