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Historically, Hip-Hop has always lived by and upheld a code of ethics often associated with criminal life. No women or kids, don’t go against the family and never telling are just some of these unspoken rules. While this street influence has helped shape Rap music to what it is today, it has left copious amounts of blood on our culture’s hands. One individual who seemingly has played both sides is James “Jimmy Henchman” Rosemond.

Rosemond, who is currently incarnated for multiple counts of cocaine trafficking, has been recently charged with ordering the murder of 50 Cent associate Lowell “Lodi Mack” Fletcher in 2009, reports AllHipHop. While in the last couple of years Henchman’s name has rung bells in mainstream media outlets for his run-ins with the law, Mr. Rosemond has an infamous history worthy of a two part gangster television chronicle. Here is a brief timeline outlining Henchman’s rise within the music industry and alleged enforcement of street etiquette.

Clicks on the #’s below to see the moves Henchman has made in the entertainment industry, and the streets, over the years.

Photo: NYPD

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