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Maya Angelou “Disappointed” In Common Using The N-Word

Common’s new album The Dreamer, The Believer is getting mad praise but one person featured on the album is not pleased.

Poet Maya Angelou, who does a poem on the track “The Dreamer” stated that she didn’t know Common used the N-word throughout the song and the album.

A disappointed Maya told The New York Post,

“I had no idea that Common was using the piece we had done together on [a track] in which he also used the ‘N’ word numerous times.”

Angelou said she never knew Common used the “N” bomb at all, calling it “vulgar and dangerous” to the black community.

“I’m surprised and disappointed. I don’t know why he chose to do that. I had never heard him use that [word] before. I admired him so because he wasn’t singing the line of least resistance.”

Being the true G that he is, Common made a point not to blow up the situation even more and showed “Grandma” Maya the utmost respect and just agreeing to disagree.

Common also told The Post,

“She knows I do use the word.  She knows that’s part of me.”

But he admitted he never bothered to tell her he’d be using the word on the track she worked on.

“I told her what ‘The Dreamer’ was about and what I wanted to get across to people,” he says. “I wanted young people to hear this and feel like they could really accomplish their dreams.”

The Dreamer, The Believer drops tomorrow.



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