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Megan Williams captured the sympathies of a nation after she was rescued from the clutches of at least six abductors, whom according to her account, viciously tortured and sexually assaulted her in a shack.

Now, nearly 2 years later, Williams has come back to the media to reveal a detail about her ordeal that will take more courage for her to divulge than what was needed to survive her captivity.

With the help of her attorney, Byron L. Potts, Meagan Williams is going to admit that she lied…At least partially anyway.

With a news conference scheduled to air today, the former victim is expected to explain how she made up various details while retelling her story as a means to gain revenge on one of the men accused in the crime.

Sources have revealed that Williams shared an intimate relationship with at least one of the men involved.

It is not clear as to what effect, if any, this well orchestrated publicity stunt will have on the jail sentences of the 7 men who issued guilty pleas during their trial for assault.

Brian Abraham, prosecutor in charge of the case, decided against using any statement by Williams, choosing to opt for solid physical evidence and confirmed co-defendant statements.

“It’s ironic to me that today she’s saying she made all this up,” said Abraham to news outlets earlier. “At the time, she was criticizing me for offering them plea agreements.”

Hip-Hop Wired will keep you posted on this story as it develops. . .

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