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NAACP Plans Nationwide Protest Over Voter ID Laws

The NAACP is teaming up with labor groups to make a change when it comes to laws passed for voters.

The protests are set to begin on December 10th, announced NAACP leader Benjamin Todd Jealous who is hooking up with Reverend Al Sharpton and U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel to attack what’s being referred to as “voter suppression laws.”

In case you want the specifics, News One reports, “the laws target low-income and minority voters by requiring specific types of photo ID to cast ballots, by reducing the number of early voting days and by instituting tougher laws on collecting registrations.”

So the protests are meant to alert the public of the tactics being used to get the minorities to vote less since the laws seem to target Hispanics, Blacks and the disabled.

It’s a brilliant plan to keep another Black guy out of office but it’s been going on for years so we’ll see how this turns out.

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