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Kanye West’s connection to Donald Trump may go deeper than we all think. His ex-girlfriend has confirmed the two share more than megalomania in common.

In a recent interview with Jesse Lee Peterson of The Fallen State, Amber Rose shared that Yeezy and the POTUS have more in common than verbal diarrhea. “When I first seen Trump on the podium and just kind of running for president, I was like, ‘Oh my God, that is Kanye in a white man’s body. I really felt like they have the same personality”  she explained.

She also detailed how the free thinker’s love of artistic expression may have fueled his political aspirations. “Kanye’s the type of person that he loves art, and he loves the art in things, so I think that he appreciates the politics that Trump used in order to get in office, because Trump was a Democrat for like 30 years I heard, or something like that. So I could only hope that Trump kind of used the white people, seemingly like racist white people, to get in office maybe for the greater good. I don’t know.”

The model also touched on Trump’s alleged sexual assault history and added that she wishes Melania would just skip town. “I think he’s a sexual predator. I feel bad for Melania,” she said. “I want her to get a divorce and become an activist. But that’s what I can only assume.”

You can view the interview in its entirety below.

Via Vibe



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