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We’re posting this because it’s so asinine it must be documented. Struggle rapper Blac Chyna denies she choked out her now ex-boyfriend and baby daddy Rob Kardashian. 

Reports Page Six:

Chyna’s attorney Lisa Bloom told reporters Thursday that her client is “resolved to get justice,” days after Rob claimed Chyna tried to strangle him with an iPhone charger cord at his sister Kylie’s home last year.

“The language [in the lawsuit] was very ugly and false,” Bloom said. “The allegations are false. Robert Kardashian and Blac Chyna share a baby, Dream. He just entered into a case where he promised not to disparage her and now this.”

Bloom also questioned the lawsuit’s validity and teased more legal action. “Can you win the case at the end of the day?” she asked, rhetorically. “We will have more to announce in her case very soon.”

Currently, exes Rob and Chyna share custody of their 10-month-old daughter.

Can a case be made where these two have to stay all the way the f*ck out of the public, or face arrest?

Asking for a friend.



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