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That bum Donald Trump rallied his base of troglodytes by coming for NFL players who dared to protest racial injustice by trying to say it was purely about disrespecting the American flag. Most people saw through the do whistle politics, and that’s including New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. 

Reports TMZ Sports:

The Patriots QB appeared on WEEI’s “Kirk & Callahan” on Monday and was asked to weigh in on Trump, considering he once had a “Make America Great Again” hat in his locker.

“Yeah, I mean, I certainly disagree with what he said and, you know, thought it was just divisive,” Brady said.

He’s clearly referring to comments Trump made on Friday night where Trump encouraged NFL owners to fire any “son of a bitch” player who takes a knee.

Brady also mentioned how football brings people from many different backgrounds together.

Diversity, something that’s surely a foreign concept to Donald Trump. Just saying.

Photo: Getty


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