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NBA veteran and Slam Dunk contest GOAT Vince Carter may give it one more go at All Star Weekend activity that made him famous.

Vince Carter, still has some verticals left in his system and he might just show them off this coming February.

In a video clip circulating online, Carter can be seen saying that it is “possible” that he may enter the 2017 Slam Dunk contest to be hosted during All Star Weekend in New Orleans.

“I think I could make in interesting, to say the least,” he says.

Carter took the contest to another level when he was in it in 2000. His gravity-defying performance is considered one of the best, if not the best display in the competition’s storied history. He won the contest and set a bar so high that he never even bothered defending his title.

Fast forward 16 years later, Carter is now known as a three-point shooter, but can still get up there every now and then. He, along with Paul Pierce and Dirk Nowitzki, are the only remaining NBA superstars who played in the 1990s. Pierce announced that he is retiring after this season. Carter has one year left on a contract with the Memphis Grizzlies.

The Slam Dunk contest is in February. Carter turns 40-years old in January.

Photo: Screenshot

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