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Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has once more injected his controversial stances via a major media platform, this time blasting the recent protests and riots in Wisconsin. Sheriff Clarke, a frequent guest on the Fox News network, was back on air and blamed the riots on gays, single motherhood and “tribal behavior.”

Clarke penned an editorial for The Hill Monday (Aug. 15) in which he said tribal behavior was what sparked violence between rioters and police over the weekend and likened the environment to the “jungle” in his piece. He also expressed that liberal politics and lifestyle choices are at the root of the dysfunction in and across Wisconsin. Clarke doubled down on his views during a handful of Fox News appearances the morning his editorial was published.

As reported by the good folks at Crooks and Liars:

Just hours after requesting help from the National Guard to deal with riots stemming from an officer-involved shooting, Clarke made several appearances Monday morning on Fox News and Fox Business Network.

“What causes riots are failed liberal urban policies in these ghettos,” Clarke told Fox Business. “Milwaukee has inescapable poverty. We’re like the sixth poorest city in America. They have failing public schools… You have massive black unemployment… You have dysfunctional families, you have father-absent homes, you have questionable lifestyle choices.”

“Those are the ingredients for for a riot,” he insisted. “And then a police shooting comes along and just acts as an igniter to an already volatile situation.”

Clarke expressed some empathy for the citizens but used that as a segue to blast the Democratic Party for creating the conditions of poverty and strife among Milwaukee’s Black citizens. But his curious use of the language “those individuals” when referring to those citizens signals that he believes he’s no longer Black himself or better than the people in the city he claims to love.

If you must, watch Sheriff David Clarke’s observations on Milwaukee’s riots below. Video courtesy of Raw Story.

Photo: screen cap

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