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Amber Rose was true to her word and held her SlutWalk today (Oct. 3) in Los Angeles. The event was a success considering it was trending for hours and well supported, with plenty of positive and negative opinions about its purpose.

Reports E! Online:

The event was hosted by the Amber Rose Foundation, the model’s non-profit organization with the mission of “uplifting, empowering, and enhancing the platform of women across the globe,” and was partially paid for by donations.

It featured dance performances, including one by a burlesque performer in a black bikini, food and merchandise vendors and HIV testing and sexual awareness booths.

Rose got up on stage to speak as well, appearing next to a pregnant adult film actress.

“Porn stars are capable of love,” the model said. “She has an amazing husband back here supporting her, she has a beautiful baby on the way and she does whatever the f–k makes her happy and that’s why she’s here.”

Needless to say, the Twitter peanut gallery had plenty to say.

While the sentiments behind a slutwalk are noble, people just can’t get over the messenger, in this case Amber Ros (i.e. #HoeIsLife???).

See photos from the SlutWalk and reactions below and on the following pages.

Photo: Instagram/@vh1

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