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Comedian Artie Lange (formerly of The Howard Stern Show) is known to be crass, outspoken, and sometimes, down right crude. He was all of the above in a recent string of tweets, during which he showed his “admiration” for Cari Champion of ESPN’s First Take.

“The chick on ESPNs First Take is so f*ckin hot!,” Lange wrote initially. From there, his writings about Champion got increasingly perverted and racist. “Here’s the scenario I’m using to jerkoff to chick on First Take I’m T. Jefferson & she’s my slave,” he wrote before continuing, “She beats the sh*t out of me & runs free.”

Lange eventually went as far as to mention Champion on Twitter with similar messages. Disgusting and worthy of a proper fade, we say.

Hit the jump to see Lange’s tweets after the jump. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Photo: Ivan Nikolov/

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