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Hot 97 personality Peter Rosenberg unleashed some fiery bars towards the direction of Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club co-host, Charlamagne Tha God. Rosenberg is quite unhappy with the fact conservative pundit Tomi Lahren and Charlamagne Tha God are chummy and called the rival host a “devil” while taking low blow digs as well.

Lahren, a The Blaze contributor and rising voice among young conservatives, made some media rounds last week that included The Daily Show and a canceled Breakfast Club appearance. However, chatter that the Daily Show’s Noah and Charlamagne hung out with Lahren away from set ruffled a few feathers but few were as irate as Rosenberg.

“[I]ts amazing that people are blind enough to think this dude is good for the culture … PLEASE WAKE UP, tweeted Rosenberg over the weekend as a caption for a TMZ report. He continued with, “[T]he devil dosen’t always wear horns and a shirt that says devil guys…sometimes he wears promo t-shirts and light foundation.”

This new surge in wokeness from Rosenberg seems to be inspired by a few factors that go beyond him disliking Lahren’s conservative views and the fact both Noah and Charlamagne didn’t limit their contact. Rosenberg recently enlightened himself to the struggles of being Black by way of reading author Ta-Nehisi Coates’ moving Between The World And Me book so that could be part of it according this his Instagram page.

Either that or simply doesn’t like Charlamagne. Stay tuned, this could go a lot of ways. Hit the flip to see Peter Rosenberg unleash that hot lava on Charlamagne Tha God.

Photo: TMZ screen cap

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