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Colin Kaepernick is woke and extremely so. After defiantly sitting at the playing of the National Anthem in support of the African-American lives lost in the country ahead of a preseason game Friday night, Kaepernick is now the target of angry white folks and patriots on Twitter.

As we previously reported, Kaepernick refused to stand for the anthem ahead of a losing preseason contest against the Green Bay Packers. Kaepernick shared with the NFL an exclusive quote as to why he refused to stand and the firestorm it ignited is ongoing throughout the weekend.

Sports writers, your armchair patriots and anyone with a dissenting opinion is giving Kaepernick the blues right now for not standing. Forget that Kaepernick has a right to express himself any way he feels via the blessing of the Constitution of the United States’ First Amendment. Of course, that amendment seemingly doesn’t apply to athletes or public figures but don’t let our limited knowledge of civics stop the party too soon.

Check out the best, or worst, of the slander that Colin Kaepernick has taken on via Twitter below and on the following pages.

Props to Kaepernick for standing up for what he believes in, despite how that could cause some tensions with his employer.

Check out this gem from sports show host Doug Gottlieb.

Then there’s this winner of a tweet despite it not even being the same ballpark of concerns Kaepernick has.

And there’s plenty of this sentiment abroad on Twitter at the moment.

But, there are some folks with a bit of sense.


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