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Katt Williams keeps his lawyer busy. The comedian with the penchant for finding himself in the midst of struggle is now a wanted man on both coasts. 

Reports TMZ:

Katt tells us he saw a car accident Tuesday outside his hotel and went down to the scene to help the victims. But while he was doing that, he says onlookers, who he described as “rappers,” started making fun of his height.

Williams stands about 5’5″ and he says the “rappers” were all six feet or taller. He says when he told them to shut up … one of them hit him, so he struck back in self-defense.

He told a similar story about the 2 incidents in Georgia — the first with 5 women in Atlanta on Sunday, and then his arrest at a pool supply store on Monday. He’s accused of punching in all 3 cases.

Law enforcement in L.A. confirm most of what Katt says happened on Tuesday, except for the “rappers” and who hit first. Bottom line … Williams is now a suspect for misdemeanor battery.

We gotta hear both all sides.

Regardless, Katt Williams really needs to chill.

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Photo: Hill County Sheriff’s Office

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