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Over the holiday weekend, Don’t Flop Entertainment held their “First Anniversary” rap battle competition in Atlanta over the weekend and things got very eventful to say the least.

Corey Charron, who performs under his last name, was going lyric for lyric against the veteran K-Shine when he decided to make things interesting by embracing his whiteness and employing Slim Jesus’ “Drill Time” cadence in his delivery. However, he may have taken things too far when he pulled out a fake gun (as seen in the “Drill Time” video) and pointed it out K-Shine has he spit his silly bars. Unfazed, K-Shine smacked the prop from out of his hand, garnering laughter from the crowd. Without missing a beat, Charron kept his raps going and then proceeded to smack the baseball cap off of his opponent’s head.

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to guess what came next. Without hesitation, K-Shine went full haymaker–with open palm–and laid hands on Charron like a preacher man. Naturally, the rap session was wrapped but according to, cooler heads prevailed and the two MCs decided to squash things before they esclated.

Watch Charron get what was coming to him below. He also explained his struggle on Twitter shortly after (found in the gallery below).

Photo: YouTube

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