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Jared Fogle, the pedophile who once made millions as a spokesperson for Subway, is begging for mercy in his child pornography case. Prosecutors want the maximum punishment, but he thinks a five-year sentence is more than enough punishment.

Fogle is hoping the law will give him a break because the minors that he sexed were 16 and 17 years old (the age of consent in his home state is 16). Clearly this man is sick, and out of his mind.

Reports TMZ:

Jared Fogle is damning himself with faint praise, telling the judge he should get the minimum prison sentence because the minors he had sex with were 16 and 17 year olds.

Fogle’s lawyer filed docs in his child porn case, in which prosecutors have now gone on record requesting the maximum sentence under the plea deal — 12 1/2 years in prison.

Fogle is asking for 5 years, saying although it was “inexcusable” he had sex with minors, “these individuals were far older than many victims of this same crime.”

The former Subway spokesman also says the bulk of the photos and videos in his possession were from 1 thumb drive that Russell Taylor gave him, and he notes he never requested it.

Fogle’s lawyer does not go into detail about his medical diagnosis but he did meet with doctors and the doctor will testify Fogle “suffers from hypersexuality and alcohol abuse/dependence.” The doctor also identified “weak evidence of erotic preference of a heterosexual pedophilia/hebephilia.”


Recordings of Fogle’s relentless pursuit of young children was fully exposed on the Dr. Phil show this month. In one of the many taped conversations between Fogle and a journalist working to reveal his disgusting behavior, the 38 year old talks about wanting to have sex with a 7-year-old girl who (thankfully) didn’t really exist. The journalist made her up in order to catch Fogle on tape preying on young children.

Photo: WENN

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