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Dash Cam footage of Sandra Bland‘s arrest on July 10 has been publicly released and reveals that arresting officer Brian Encinia threatened to use a Taser on Bland before forcefully removing her from her vehicle. The nearly hour-long video also highlights how the state trooper might have mishandled the situation, which escalated greatly when the officer opened Bland’s door to pull her out.

We’ll do our best to depict what we saw in the video clip beow.

Around the 2:30 mark, Encinia makes his initial approach towards Bland’s car and explains that he pulled her over for a lane crossing violation. After stating that the stop was just a warning, the tension between Encinia and Bland is made apparent at around the 8:30 mark of the video. Encinia asked Bland how she was feeling but didn’t seem to enjoy her answer. Bland, who can be heard and not seen, is asked by Encinia to put out a cigarette which she refuses to do.

This angered Encinia, who then orders Bland outside of the car. Bland refused Encinia’s orders, asking why she was being asked to leave her car. Encinica reaches inside the vehicle and it sounds like some manner of struggle took place with Bland shouting a number of obscenities.

Encinia aims what appears to be a Taser device at Bland and threatened “I will light you up” before she complies. The pair continues to argue, and Encinia apparently takes Bland down. A lengthy discussion takes place mostly out of range of the Dash Cam, but Encinia’s microphone picks up the entire exchange. At one point, Bland cries out that Encinia is hurting her and says that she has epilepsy, which Encinia mocks by saying “good.”

Officers arrive on the scene to assist with the arrest, and Bland starts yelling out in pain. After a female officer helps Encinia place Bland into his patrol car, the rest of the video shows police searching Bland’s vehicle ahead of towing it away for impounding.

The disturbing scene was captured previously by a bystander’s cell phone, but this video from the Texas Department of Public Safety shows the moments leading up to the images of Bland laying face first and handcuffed to the ground. The video also doesn’t explain the cause of Bland’s death on July 13 inside a Waller County jail cell, which authorities continue to claim was a self-inflicted hanging by a garbage bag.

Supporters of Bland maintain that there is some foul play afoot regarding the 28-year-old Illinois resident’s death. Encinia has been demoted from public duty, and there is already chatter that he will face disciplinary action for not following proper arrest procedures.

Watch the Dash Cam footage of Sandra Bland’s arrest in the clip below. A Warning: there is some profanity and the images may be disturbing to some.

Photo: YouTube

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