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A food blessing of epic proportions will infiltrate New York City this year. According to USA Today, the five boroughs will soon receive the Chick-Fil-A locations that many have been clamoring for.

Prior to the announcement, a New Yorker’s only chance of munching on the southern chicken goodness was to step onto New York University’s campus, but even that wasn’t a full-service restaurant. Reports say that Chick-Fil-A plans to “open 108 restaurants this year—most of them urban and a good chunk of them in New York City.”

“If we can’t do it in New York, we have no business going anywhere else,” Vice President of Design and Innovation Woody Faulk explained.

In addition to expansion, the traditionally Christian business from below the Mason-Dixon will introduced new grilled menu items to match their new found open-mindedness and to circumvent the 2012 controversy following CEO Dan Cathy’s bigoted statements about gay marriage.

While Chick-Fil-A’s big move to the Big Apple is sure to be met with backlash by some, early Twitter reactions infer that many people are anxiously anticipating their chance to indulge in chicken sandwiches and waffle fries.

See some Twitter reactions after the jump.

Photo: Facebook

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