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Shadymania is upon the Hip-Hop universe in full force. Come this Tuesday, (November 4th), Eminem’s The Marshall Mathers LP 2 officially hits retailers nationwide.

The album was recently leaked onto the Internets and faced a wide range of critiques and comedy. Since he’s one of Hip-Hop’s biggest stars past and present, the opinions were expected to come out in strong emotions.

Billboard’s headline suggests that their were inner workings on the marketing of creating MMLP2. There have been several videos to promote not to mention sly unveiling of the artwork onto social media sites.

There’s also an article with Lyor Cohen, which should go into more depth about his new entrepreneurship with Google Music.

The issue is available at Billboard’s site and should make an interesting read given it’s coming from the unpredictable mind of Eminem.

Check out the full cover on the other page as well.

Photo: Instagram

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