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Earlier this week, renowned food show host Paula Deen became synonymous with struggle after a report alleged that while in court, she confessed to using racial epithets and even wanted Black people to dress as slaves at a wedding party. Subsequently, the southerner was subject to public backlash — the Internets responded with a heinous #PaulasBestDishes trending topic. Today, thing go from bad to worse because Deen has been canned by the Food Network.

TMZ reports:

Paula Deen’s goose has been cooked at the Food Network.  Officials tell TMZ they are not renewing her contract, which expires at the end of this month.

Paula apparently was done in for her comments during a deposition in a civil lawsuit, in which she freely admitted to using the N-word in the past.

Deen issued an apology this morning that bordered on ridiculous — it was heavily edited and frankly insincere.

She issued a second apology shortly before the Food Network said it would not renew her contract.

To top it off, Deen’s termination was prefaced by a pair of lackluster apologies. Yesterday, she copped pleas by crediting her use of the N-word to being from the south. Today, she released the latter in visual form on her YouTube page earlier. Spoiler alert: Deen spews a statement that seems rehearsed and insincere.

See the apology for yourself below.

Photo: Food Network

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