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Rockstar Games has to make up for the delay of the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto V someway. Today, the developer released three trailers from the latest and forthcoming installment in the open world video game franchise.

The trailer focused on three characters from the game; Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Michael is a well off family man, but is going through a mid-life crisis. Franklin is from the hood and trying to move up in the world while avoiding the gang culture he is surrounded by. Trevor is clearly the muscle, and the loose cannon of this trio. All three will be playable characters in the game and their videos reveal action packed game play that includes car chases, shotgun, bi-planes, helicopters and all types of carnage through Los Santos, which is based on Southern California/Los Angeles.

Looks like this game will be a winner.

After a bunch of delays, Grand Theft Auto V is due in stores September 17.

Michael’s trailer is below while Franklin and Trevor’s are on the next page. We can guarantee you’ll like these better than the strange, Church of Scientology inspired trailer that dropped last week. Let us know what you think of the trailers, and if you’ll be copping the game, in the comments.

Photos: Rockstar Games

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