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The borough of Staten Island is stepping forward to shine a light on the affect that Sandy has had on the area.

With 19 people dead on State Island alone, and more to come as rescue workers have yet to account for everyone, residents are in need of assistance. “We’re going to die! We’re going to freeze! We got 90-year-old people!” one resident told ABC News“You don’t understand. You gotta get your trucks down here on the corner now. It’s been three days!”

Remaining one of the hardest hit by Sandy, more than 80,000 people are still without power, while several others have been left homeless.

Glenda Moore, a mother whose car was overcome with water during the storm, struggled to hold on to her young sons who were swept away by a tide.  “The waves just came and started crashing on the car,” Moore’s sister told the New York Daily News. “She said she got shoved, and then the wave just took the car and flipped it over. She was knocked down.”

Rescuers set out on a search for the children, Brandon, 2, and Connor, 4, late Wednesday (Oct. 31). Their bodies were recovered one day later. “Terrible, absolutely terrible,” said New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. “It just compounds all the tragic aspects of this horrific event.”

Aside from tragic deaths, garbage is pilling up, and lack of proper resources have left many with little patience.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to go forward with the New York City marathon, which will kick-off on Staten Island, has caused even more tension. “If they take one first responder from Staten Island to cover this marathon, I will scream,” New York City Councilman James Oddo wrote on Twitter. “We have people with no homes and no hope right now.”

Bloomberg maintains that going forward with the marathon will not result in a shortage of resources or emergency workers, and said that power will be restored throughout the entire city in time for the start of the race.

Click below to see photos of the damage done on Staten Island.


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Photos: AP/NBC/DNAinfo/

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